Thursday, April 12, 2018

                                                   By Latha Prem Sakhya

                                           I was given to you - a  companion
To be at your side
To enjoy the life we shared
But what have you done to me?

You petted me,
You pampered me,
You made me your play thing.
I was a pawn in your hand,
A rag doll used to satiate
Your hidden desires and whims.

I a  fool, a slave to your charm
Did everything to please you.
I cared for you as a babe.
When babies arrived, yet I found time
To cater to your demands and desires.
“Nay”, I never said and you thrived.

You took me for granted
I became an abject being
Even after education and money
Liberated me to be a free individual.

I, with my infinite patience
Tried to please you.
But you, in your growing arrogance
Misused me, brutally.
What was sacred in me,
Was torn and destroyed to fulfill
Your perverted mind’s desire.
You treated me heinously.
I was raped and tortured
Even my lifeless body was not spared
No beast will do such a thing.
You have become worst than a beast.

Now, it is time for me to rethink,
It is time for me to retrace,
It is time for me to redefine,
It is time for me to break these fetters,
Your false chains of helplessness and need
That fetters me to your side.

Now let me live like a human.
Even animals have their liberty.

You told me, I tempted you
Exhibiting my nakedness
I lured you to commit
Unimagined atrocities on me.
My looks, my body, my walk,
Everything tempted you.

But I am helpless
I am made this way.

Isn’t it time
You looked into yourself
Or stand in my shoe
May be for a day
To comprehend my life?

When are you going to transform?
If you don’t, I will change.

I have a blood thirsty sideto me.
Leashed in my subconscious
Where I become a terrible
Blood drinking deity-
Impatient, arrogant, intolerant
Wild, untamed, ferocious,
With an over whelming desire to kill,
And destroy everything on my path
Hindering my progress in life
To live like I desire.

Once  unleashed
No power can withstand
This ferocious Fury
Fettered Inside my self
Generation after generation.

Don’t blame me,
I didn’t warn you.
I gave you many hints.
If you don’t listen-
This wild Fury,
Releasing itself
Will be satiated
Only by drinking your blood.

Sunday, March 18, 2018


                            Latha Prem Sakhya

I met him one afternoon.
The merciless scintillating sun
Drove every  critter to siesta
So only me and him –
He on the other side of the wall.
His glistening, rhythmic body
Fascinated me, as he swam
Upstream, head held high against the current.

Mesmerised, I admired him,over the low wall
Sensing me, his serpentine movement suspended.
His eyes glued on me, an intruder, I felt
Spying on his mysterious journey
For a rendevous, else where.

His snaky gaze and his fearlessness
Shook me, to call out to my partner
But he balanced, unperturbed
The watery stream, rhythmically
Swaying his undulating body.

“Oh my, he is a beauty, a cobra”.
My partner’s presence, and his appraising  voice,
Disturbed him, slowly he retreated
His glassy stare still on us
As he vanished beneath the undergrowth.

Friday, March 16, 2018

A Mite’s Tale
                                       Latha Prem Sakhya
“Amma” she shrieked,
I tried to hide in a corner of my home.
“Look there it is,” amma laughed.
“Where? Over there.”
She pointed to my corner.
“Oh my, it’s such a mite’.
“No, I don’t want it here, I won’t sleep,
He will come on to my bed”.

Amma  rolled up a newspaper
Sweeping me out of the corner
She threw me out along with the paper.
Immediately I sprang up on the jasmine vine
Tomorrow I, will be there, I consoled myself;                                                        
The moment she starts for school.

I resumed my arduous journey   back
But in the night, the same drama was repeated
But I was adamant, it was a good corner
I caught enough mosquitoes for my food
So back I went  to my corner, this continued for days.

Amma was really sorry for me I think
One night I heard her say, 
“Let it be mone, he will never harm you,
He will eat all the mosquitoes and insects”.
But she was terrified of spiders
And amma had to throw me out.

One day I was fed up of weaving web
I decided to move off.
Fortunately I found a safe place
A secure corner under the kitchen slab
Where I knew my web would be safe
I was sure amma wouldn’t mind
Sharing her space with me.


Saturday, March 10, 2018

Lany and Dany heard a noise one day,
Peeping out, they spied Miff and Muff at play.
Sniffing, snarling slow
Scratching, biting blow
The cat and the dog game became a fray.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

                                                                              Latha Prem Sakhya

The little sparrow
Excited on its prime trip
Full of joy and aspiration
Landed on the car rack
Even as her friends flew away.

Stranded and trapped
  In an unknown place
Hungry and cold she waited,
Some hand would lift her up
Protect her from the cold,
Creeping up her tiny feet,
Paralyzing her bit by bit.

The cold wind had ruthlessly
Knocked her down to fall
On the luggage rack
Where she huddled
While death, snake like
Mesmerizing  drew nearer and nearer.

The car stopped suddenly
The air no more pierced her
She huddled into her wings, 
When a warm hand reached out
The fingers massaged her gently
Lighting up a fire in her
The heat seeped into her body
Chasing the numbness away.

Warm and comfortable
She stared through the window
The whiff of cold air made her shiver.
Dismally she looked around
Everything seemed friendly
Even those around her.
She stood swaying
Smoothing her ruffled feathers
She poised herself to fly
The slicing cold wind
Dismally put her off.
But a  split second later
Mustering all her strength
She flapped her wings 
And flew away
Never looking back.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

My Rose Apple ( panineer jaampa)

A sappling cherished
From my Appa' s farm
Planted by my bedroom window
Started bearing fruits
But my tiny friends -the squirrels 
Thrive on the pink blossoms
And no fruits to ripen. 

I let them eat! my wild friends
They are a joy to behold
But occasionally the urge to taste
Atleast one , makes us to cover
Those close to the ground.
These are two we saved
For our li'l ones
To watch them bite
In to the luscious flesh
And relish its taste.

Friday, March 2, 2018

February 27

February 27

February 27 comes  loaded with memories which  is tinged with colours of pain. Thoughts of Appa who loomed large in our lives assailed me.  One day, too early for his age  he left to his eternal home, leaving  a gaping hole in our lives. I have never come across a visionary parent like him, who  had definite goals for his children. After the dissolution of his chit fund, which was a hard blow for him, he started the MB Tutorial where we all taught the local children. A  meagre fee was taken but it was more of a  social service. It lasted more than  30 years. And he taught there along with my mother until he was too weak to make the walk . Villapilsala is thus  filled with men and women whom our family had taught and  Bright Sir as they lovingly call him loom large in their hearts too, even now. A farmer with green fingers he converted the arid  hilly land to a cultivable fertile land through terrace cultivation.  He was awarded the "karshaka Pradhaman" award of Villapil Panchayat.

My Appa 

Not a day passes without thinking about you appa
How you send us to the best of schools
Believing and instilling in us the conviction, education is the greatest wealth
How with foresight you insisted that we learn malayalam because we were living in kerala
How you introduced us to all kinds of fine arts, 
Even taking us to temples to watch the various art forms
How you taught us to love people without discrimination
How you dreamed for each of us and encouraged us to scale the skies.
How you instilled in us a love for nature, preserving land and trees
Appa everyday begins with God and your words to guide us
You taught us the greatest romance, gifting flowers for amma everyday
On this day your birthday you are far away in Heaven
But we still feel your loving presence around us.
We are lucky to have such a father
Appa you taught us the secret of giving,

To the extend of giving your land to build road for the panchayat
Whatever we are is your teaching and guidance appa.
And before you we  lay all our achievements.
We miss you appa ...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Limerick 3

Lany and Dany went fishing one day
Followed by Bamby all the winding way
On seeing a wild hare
Bamby started to tear
Fishing ended in chasing dog all day.

Limerick 2

One day on their way to their granny's house
Lany and Dany found a tiny mouse
They chased it to catch
For a gift to patch
A quarrel with Tom who stayed near their house.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Hippocrene: A Post a day - Limerick

Hippocrene: A Post a day - Limerick

A Post a day - Limerick

Yeah, it is really funny how  I came out of my lethargy  and plop I have fallen in love with Limerick. I can't predict how long it is going to last but I shall go on till it lasts. And so a limerick  a day I promise myself now.

Not an innately humorous person I think I have to learn to be funny to tickle others to laughter. So  following the foot step of Edward Lear, a master at Limericks I am going to tell stories only  now, about two toddlers -  Lany and Dany in my limericks.

For the lay men  a Limerick is a poem with 5 lines rhyming  aabba with the first two and fifth line having 7 to !0 syllables and the third and fourth with 5-7 syllables.

An example from Edward Lear:

" There was an old man with a beard
Who said it is just as I feared!
Two owls and a hen
Four larks and a wren,
Have all built their nest in my beard."

The nursery rhymes "Hickory Dickory Dock", "Little Miss Muffet", "Mary had a Little Lamb" are all examples of Limerick.


                The Two Little Guys
The two little guys Lany and Dany
Went walking to see their granny
Plucking  a bloom here
Chasing a fly there
And greeted granny with a wee bunny.